Qualifications: BA (Joint Hons) English Literature and German (2:1), MA English Studies, PGCE (Primary)

Career overview: I qualified as a teacher in 2006 and taught at a variety of state and independent Schools in the North West, plus I spent two years teaching abroad in Austria and Switzerland. I started working at Ashbridge in 2012. I initially taught Year 4 then moved into Year 5 where I enjoy the variety of the job from teaching a class to playing in the school brass band!

Professional interests: I have a love for Modern Foreign Languages and really enjoying working in Upper Juniors and seeing the children progress and get ready for Senior Schools.

Personal interests: I travel extensively with my husband and my favourite holiday destination so far is Iceland. I have a real passion for Austria and Switzerland. I also enjoy Music, especially brass and love spending time with my guinea pigs Henry and Tico.