In the heart of Myerscough Agricultural College, set within a beautiful rural location children, The Fledglings nursery provides a real home-from-home for the children in our care. Our baby room is cosy and relaxing and provides the perfect environment for our youngest babies. Classrooms for older children are well resourced with a focus on natural materials and the outdoor play area provides opportunities for managed risk taking. A covered area ensures children can play and learn outside in all weathers. Being based on the campus of Myerscough College, the children enjoy walks in the grounds and have the opportunity to learn about farming, nature and industry without leaving the site.
To make drop off and pick up stress-free for parents we have a number of parking spaces right outside nursery.
The security and safety of our children is always at the forefront of our minds and we have many security features in place across the nursery including coded gates and doors, CCTV, secure perimeters around play areas and much more.
To truly appreciate all that Ashbridge Nursery at The Fledglings can offer your child we recommend calling in to visit the nursery or calling us on 01995 642148 to make an appointment.