Juniors Curriculum
This is a time of real growth and development, where children build on their skills and experiences in all areas of the curriculum. In the Lower Juniors, Year 3 and 4 children continue to study subjects through themes which link learning across curriculum areas and as children move into the Upper Juniors classes; Year 5 and 6, subject teaching is progressively introduced.
Junior children use our STEM suite and other facilities as part of their daily learning and thrive on the variety of their curriculum. Deputy head teacher of our Private School in Preston, Mr Wood, works with groups of children who either need additional support or are achieving highly academically and require further development in different subject areas. Specialist teaching is provided in Music, Outdoor Education, Keyboard, Modern Foreign Languages, Gardening and Sports.
Children take on additional responsibilities within the Junior School as they become leaders of teams or houses, and prefects.
We undertake thorough yet low-stress academic testing, with every year group undertaking nationally recognised standardised tests annually and reading age tests twice a year. Our academic results are excellent, with all classes achieving above or significantly above the national average year on year. In 2021, 95% of our Year 6 class were achieving or exceeding year group expectations, with over 20% of pupils receiving scholarships at their chosen independent senior schools.